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Time to take a 'liecation'

In this bad economy, people are still taking holidays. Or are they?

by Alex Jackson


(c) superbomba

In one of the odder twists on the recession’s impact upon our holidaying, people are turning away from traditional holidays, long weekends and daytrips and simply fibbing about what they’re doing and where they’re going.

According to Dutch-based ‘megatrend’ watcher, Adjiej Bakas, increasing numbers of us are staying at home to feverishly compile fake evidence of imaginary adventures in what has been dubbed on various blogs such as Gadling as 'taking a liecation.’

Whether to impress friends, persuading them (or oneself maybe?) that you aren’t totally skint and are still leading a full and thrilling life, the liecation fully immerses the liar in a prodigious fit of dishonesty/creativity – from photoshopping holiday snaps to even acquiring a fake tan – ‘proof’ of those days spent under the searing sunshine of the Gobe Desert perhaps?

So, after the staycation, naycation and yaycation, there is, it seems, still room for one more ‘cation;’ evidence that in this economic downturn we just can’t resist inventing a fad to fit into our frugal lives. But now, with the liecation, we’re actually inventing our lives to fit into a fad. We really ought to get out more.


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